
What Causes Sciatica?

The sciatic nerve is the main nerve that communicates with the legs. The sciatic nerve is formed by the connection of multiple smaller nerves that all leave the spinal cord through the lumbar spine (lower back). The role of the sciatic nerve is to communicate information from the brain to the legs (causing movement) and [...]

Walking Is Not Enough

During first appointments, it’s common for me to ask “Do you do any regular exercise?” The answers can vary greatly, but there’s rarely ever enough exercise on the schedule. One of the primary issues I have come across is that people are considering themselves “active” because they walk often. Don’t get me wrong…walking is fantastic.

A Cure for Knee Osteoarthritis

It's estimated that roughly 30-40% of people will experience knee osteoarthritis as they age with a higher proportion affected being Women (Felson, 1987). A recent World Health Organisation report on the global burden of disease indicates that knee osteoarthritis is likely to become the fourth most important global cause of disability in women and the [...]

Linking Pain & Depression

There was a time when science & medicine failed to acknowledge the relationship between depression and pain. On a regular basis, clients report suffering from chronic pain. Occasionally people’s pain was accompanied by a diagnosis of depression but that would make up the minority of cases I’ve come across. That’s not to say that people aren’t suffering […]

The Handbag Trap

Shoulder injuries and chronic shoulder pain are fast becoming one of the most prominent complaints in our clinic. It’s a natural progression to wonder what the possible causes might be. Shoulder injuries & pain can often seem to appear out of thin air with no known trigger. Through investigation &,