
3 Steps to Get Motivated To Exercise

At the end of the day, when the dust settles, this is likely the most important subject... ...ever. Everyone always talks about motivation, and we can usually get a sense for whether someone is motivated to exercise in a split second. Today we aren't talking about others, we're talking about YOU. In order to get [...]

Research: Higher Resting Heart Rate Predicts Disease

Many people believe that the main aim of regular exercise or physical activity is weight loss. As a result, many individuals try to cut corners to lose weight without partaking in regular physical activity. Clinical evidence has suggested (for many years) that lower resting heart rates result of regular physical activity and exercise. However, scientific [...]

A Cure for Knee Osteoarthritis

It's estimated that roughly 30-40% of people will experience knee osteoarthritis as they age with a higher proportion affected being Women (Felson, 1987). A recent World Health Organisation report on the global burden of disease indicates that knee osteoarthritis is likely to become the fourth most important global cause of disability in women and the [...]

Linking Pain & Depression

There was a time when science & medicine failed to acknowledge the relationship between depression and pain. On a regular basis, clients report suffering from chronic pain. Occasionally people’s pain was accompanied by a diagnosis of depression but that would make up the minority of cases I’ve come across. That’s not to say that people aren’t suffering […]


Desk Exercises are a terrific way to manage lower back pain. Remember, as each person is unique you should seek exercises specific to your case. Lower back pain is one of the most prominent conditions affecting prolonged sitters. As I’ve discussed before lower back pain often results due to poor muscular endurance in the core and […]

"Text Neck"

The "text neck" phenomenon has gained momentum through the mainstream media in recent weeks. The neck is a precious and fragile component of the musculoskeletal system. Often overlooked, poor neck posture can have detrimental long term effects. Bringing attention to the general population's poor habits is a key component of creating effective change for the [...]

Sleep Posture

We spend one third of our lives asleep. During which, our posture can vary greatly. There are many musculoskeletal issues associated with poor posture. Attention to sleep posture can go a long way to improving awake posture and preventing postural issues down the track.

Ankle Stability

We’ve all been there: life is going swimmingly – birds chirping, flowers blooming, ankles holding up as they were designed to and then suddenly. Boom. Ankle, gone. It might be as simple as hitting the edge of the footpath, or as spine-tingling as landing on top of someone else’s foot in a sold out arena. […]